The Story of May 14th....

Once Upon a Time

🍄Where do we start this magical adventure?🍄  

📕 What's First? 

To start the day off we are going to begin with the ceremony conducted by the wonderful people at Weddings at Lakeside Beach! This will be the formal part of the event where friends and family can watch an exciting new chapter being written as Gabriel and Brenda become husband and wife!  We are also going to be having an amazing charcuterie table made by our caterers!

When?   ⏳

9AM - 2 AM

The Adventure

🌲 What happens after the ceremony? 🌲  

🏖️  Let's Take a Break 📷 

After the ceremony there will be a brief hour and a half intermission where guests can join the couple at the beach for a photoshoot! We understand this is a bit of a long timeframe so we encourage you to check out the amazing sites that the Heavenly Resort at Tahoe has to offer. Simply click any one of the links below the pictures and be whisked away to a "Heavenly" time 



 Happily Ever After 

🍂  What happens after the the intermission? 🍄   

🎊 The Party Begins!🎊 

Come join husband and wife at the University of Nevada Reno's 4H Camp. Here the guests will be served lunch as well as participate in a myriad of activities including but not limited to:


2PM - 7PM

The End! 

📖  Thank You for Coming!📖